Feather of Ma'at

Egyptian Talismans and Amulets - The Feather of Ma'at

The Amulets of Ancient Egypt and facts about the Feather of Ma'at amulet integrity, righteousness, and truth.

Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians - The Feather of Ma'at Amulet
A comprehensive guide and fact sheet about the Feather of Ma'at. Discover fascinating facts and information about ancient Egypt and the Feather of Ma'at talisman.
Facts about the ancient Egyptian Feather of Ma'at amulet
The meaning of the talisman relates to the goddess Ma'at
The ancient Egyptian magic amulets and talismans
The magical stones used in this icon
The symbol of truth and justice
Color symbolism of talismans and amulets
Magical talisman and amulet jewelry
An overview of the amulets, charms and talismans of ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians - The Feather of Ma'at
Click a link for additional information and interesting facts about subjects relating to the Feather of Ma'at amulet or other aspects of the daily life, the people and places of ancient Egypt.

The Feather of Ma'at Amulet
The Feather of Ma'at amulet was a potent talisman in ancient Egypt. The talisman or amulet was often worn by the judges and magistrates of ancient Egypt as an icon of integrity, morality, fairness and truth. The amulet or talisman was ascribed with magical powers and the 'Spirit of Ma'at'. The following information and facts about the Feather of Ma'at amulet provides a fascinating insight into the ancient Egyptians.

Picture of the Feather of Ma'at Amulet


Ostrich feather

Picture of Feather of Ma'at
amulet & an ostrich feather

Picture of the goddess wearing the single feather headdress


Ancient Egypt - The Feather of Ma'at Amulet Fact Sheet

Fact 1 on the Feather of Ma'at:

The Single Plume was an emblem of the goddess Ma'at who was the female counterpart of Thoth.  She wears on her head the feather characteristic of the phonetic value of her name

Fact 2 on the Feather of Ma'at:

Meaning: To the ancient Egyptians the goddess was the personification of integrity, righteousness, and truth.

Fact 3 on the Feather of Ma'at:

The icon was used as a Hieroglyphic symbol representing truth, justice, morality and balance (hieroglyphic is shown in the above picture).

Fact 4 on the Feather of Ma'at:

The ostrich was symbol of creation and light and ostrich feathers were characteristically depicted in Ancient Egyptian Art with a curled top. The plume, or feathers of a falcon were depicted with a rounded top with a stem running down the center of the plume.

Fact 5 on the Feather of Ma'at:

The ancient Egyptian artists who made the amulets or talismans depicting the curled ostrich feathers often used dark colored stones such as obsidian, basalt. and lapis lazuli. Obsidian is a type of black glass produced by volcanoes. The colors of basalts are very dark green to black. The lapis lazuli is dark blue.

Fact 6 on the Feather of Ma'at:

The ancient Egyptians believed that after death they would have to answer for any mortal sins in the Underworld during the ceremony of justification and the weighing of the heart in the Hall of Judgement.

Fact 7 on the Feather of Ma'at:

The feather of Ma'at was placed on the opposite side of the scale from the spiritual heart of the deceased - refer to the picture below. The spiritual heart was called the 'Ib' which was believed to be the source of good and evil. (The ancient Egyptians called the physical heart the 'haty').

Fact 8 on the Feather of Ma'at:

A heart that was light and free from sin gained entrance into paradise but a heart made heavy by sin outweighed the feather of Ma'at and was devoured by the monstrous Ammit, the 'Devourer of Souls'.

Fact 9 on the Feather of Ma'at:

The goddess was the patron of judges and all court officials who often wore small golden talismans of the goddess as a sign of their judicial authority and as a symbol that their judgement would be balanced and fair.

Fact 10 on the Feather of Ma'at:

Priests drew the Feather of Ma’at on their tongues with green dye, so that the words they spoke were truthful.

Ancient Egyptian Magic - The Feather of Ma'at Fact Sheet

Papyrus of Ani Book of the Dead - Baboon sat on top of the scales whilst Thoth, the scribe takes notes

Papyrus of Ani (Book of the Dead) - Heart weighed against the Feather of Ma'at

The Feather of Ma'at Amulet
Discover fast, interesting fun facts about the ancient Egyptian Feather of Ma'at amulet and talisman with some amazing, cool and quick information about ancient Egypt and Egyptians. Find fascinating fun facts about the ancient Egyptian Feather of Ma'at amulet and talisman and the history, culture and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Egypt. Interesting, fun facts about the ancient Egyptian magic and the Feather of Ma'at amulet and talisman.


The Feather of Ma'at Amulet

Facts and Information about the Feather of Ma'at

The ancient Egyptian Feather of Ma'at

The people, places, culture and civilization of ancient Egypt

Facts and information about Ancient Egypt & the Egyptians

The Feather of Ma'at  amulet for kids, schools, homework and research

The Feather of Ma'at talisman


Ancient Egyptian Talismans & Amulets
For additional fascinating information and interesting facts about this famous icon of ancient Egypt refer to
Amulets and Talismans.

Ancient Egyptian Amulets

Egypt and the Feather of Ma'at Amulet and Talisman
Learning about the ancient Egyptians and the history of the Feather of Ma'at amulet and talisman inspires everyone to visit historical sites and undertake Egypt Travel and Tours to experience the wonders of this magical land at first hand. Many people choose to experience a tour of Egypt on a Nile Cruise stopping at the famous destinations and sites of Egypt. The information and facts about the Feather of Ma'at amulet will provide you with a great insight into the magic of Egypt and the legacy of the ancient Egyptians.

Feather of Ma'at


Feather of Ma'at - Ancient Egyptians - Meaning - Symbolism - Power - Protection - Symbol - Magical Stones - Magic - Talisman - Talismans - Amulet - Amulets - Charm - Charms - Good Luck - Lucky - Jewelry - Pictures - Eygptians - Ancient Egypt - Ancient Egyptians - Kids - Research - Eygptians - Egyption - Egypt - History - Ancient - Pictures - Images - Facts - Eygptians - Interesting - Information - Research - Ancient Egypt - Egyptology - Old Egypt - Egyptology - Egypten - Egyption - Egipt - Feather of Ma'at - Travel - Tours - Nile Cruise - Holiday - Vacation - Eygpt - Written By Linda Alchin