Amenhotep I

The History of Egypt for Kids - King Amenhotep I

The Civilization, Culture & History of Ancient Egypt and facts about Pharaoh Amenhotep I

Ancient Egyptians - Pharaoh Amenhotep I
A comprehensive guide and fact sheet about King Amenhotep I. Discover fascinating facts and information about the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

Interesting facts & information about this ancient Egyptian King

The dynasty and period in history when he was the pharaoh

Major events in his life - the history of Amenhotep I

Fact based biography of the pharaoh

The life and accomplishments of this ancient Egyptian King

The famous people in his life

His consort and family

An overview of Amenhotep I, a famous King of ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians - Amenhotep I
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Pharaohs & Kings of Egypt

Profile of Pharaoh Amenhotep I
The following profile provides a fast overview of Amenhotep I.

Profile of Amenhotep I

History Time Period: New Kingdom

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Predecessor: Ahmose I

Parents: gggg and yyyy

Dates of his Reign: pppp

Principal Wife: Queen kkkk

Successor: pppp

King Amenhotep I
Interesting facts, biography & information about the life of Pharaoh Amenhotep I, the ancient Egyptian King. The Pharaoh Amenhotep I fact sheet provides details of the major events and accomplishments in his life, his consort and his family. Information about the dynasty and period in ancient Egyptian history in which King Amenhotep I lived. Refer to Pharaohs for additional interesting facts and information.

Ancient Egyptian King - Amenhotep I Fact Sheet

Fact 1 on Amenhotep I: Name: This pharaoh of ancient Egypt was also known as qqqq. His name means "qqqq"

Fact 2 on Amenhotep I: History: He ruled as the king of Egypt during the period in ancient Egyptian history known as the jjjj and was a pharaoh of the qq dynasty of kings by right of inheritance. He succeeded Pharaoh qqqq to the throne of Egypt.

Fact 3 on Amenhotep I: Family: His father was gggg and his mother was yyyy.

Fact 4 on Amenhotep I: Family: He married kkkk whose status and title was the "King's Principal Wife". It was acceptable for the king of Egypt to practise Polygamy, meaning he had more than one wife at the same time. Having several wives or concubines in the Royal Harem enabled the pharaoh to maintain the qq dynasty and ensure the line of succession of his family.

Fact 5 on Amenhotep I: Family: The names of his 'lesser wives' were qqqq. It was acceptable for the pharaoh to practise incest in order to retain the sacred and divine bloodline.

Fact 6 on Amenhotep I: Divine Kingship: The pharaoh claimed ancestry from the gods and was therefore fit to undertake the role as mediator with the gods. The role of King Amenhotep I was to maintain the safety, order and prosperity of Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian King - Amenhotep I Fact Sheet

Pharaoh Amenhotep I
Discover fast, interesting fun facts about Pharaoh Amenhotep I for kids with some amazing, cool and quick information about ancient Egypt and Egyptians. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages! Find fascinating fun facts about Amenhotep I for kids and the history, culture and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Egypt. Interesting, fun facts about this king of Egypt for research, schools, students and kids of all ages.

18th Dynasty Chronology

Name - Dates of Reign

Pharaoh Ahmose I - 1549–1524 BC

Pharaoh Amenhotep I - 1524–1503 BC

Pharaoh Thutmose I - 1503–1493 BC

Pharaoh Thutmose II - 1493–1479 BC

Queen Hatshepsut - 1479–1458 BC

Pharaoh Thutmose III - 1479–1424 BC

Pharaoh Amenhotep II - 1424–1398 BC

Pharaoh Thutmose IV - 1398–1388 BC

Pharaoh Amenhotep III - 1388–1350 BC

Pharaoh Akhenaten - 1351–1334 BC

Pharaoh Smenkhkare - 1335–1334 BC

Pharaoh Neferneferuaten - 1334–1332 BC

Pharaoh Tutankhamun - 1332–1323 BC

Pharaoh Ay - 1323–1319 BC

Pharaoh Horemheb - 1319–1292 BC

Amenhotep I
Learning about the ancient Egyptians and King Amenhotep I inspires everyone to visit historical sites and undertake Egypt Travel and Tours to experience the wonders of this magical land at first hand. Many people choose to experience a tour of Egypt on a Nile Cruise stopping at the famous destinations and sites of Egypt such as the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx. The information and facts about Pharaoh Amenhotep I will provide you with a great insight into Egypt and the legacy of the ancient Egyptians.

Amenhotep I

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