25th Dynasty

The History of Egypt for Kids - 25th Dynasty, the Nubians

The Civilization, Culture & History of Ancient Egypt and facts about the line of pharaohs in the 25th Dynasty

Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians - 25th Dynasty
A comprehensive guide and fact sheet about the 25th dynasty of the royal house of Egypt. Discover fascinating facts and information about ancient Egypt and the 25th Dynasty of Ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
The definition of the 25th Dynasty - the reign of the Nubians
25th dynasty pharaohs timeline and chronology
25th dynasty of Nubian pharaohs including King Kashta, King Piye and King Shabaka
History of the 25th dynasty of the Third Intermediate Period
Facts and information about the 25th dynasty time period
Nubian and 25th dynasty line of succession
An overview of the history of the 25th Dynasty of ancient Egypt

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Learn about the Egyptian Dynasties with our fast fact sheets.

History of the 25th Dynasty - The Nubian Pharaohs
Overview with interesting facts and information about the civilization and history of the 25th Dynasty Pharaohs and Kings of the Third Intermediate Period in ancient Egyptian history.

Twenty-fifth Dynasty Dates: 712–657 B.C.E.

Ancient Egyptian History - 25th Dynasty Fact Sheet - The Nubian Pharaohs

Fact 1 on 25th Dynasty:

The Twenty-fifth Dynasty is known as the Nubian Dynasty or the Kushite Empire in which the Pharaohs were of Nubian descent. Their rule led to the largest Egyptian empire since the early New Kingdom.

Fact 2 on 25th Dynasty:

The boundary between ancient Egypt and the land of Nubia (Kush) was traditionally held to be the First Cataract - Refer to map below.

Fact 3 on 25th Dynasty:

The Nubians capital was at Napata. These Nubians were culturally 'Egyptianized' and had adopted its religion, gods, culture and writing.

Fact 4 on 25th Dynasty:

The great Egyptian civilization, that had built the great pyramids and the Sphinx, had lost its way during the Third Intermediate Period, torn apart by petty warlords in the quest for power.

Fact 5 on 25th Dynasty:

The Libyan period had started a decline in decline of the traditional religious faith and beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.

Fact 6 on 25th Dynasty:

The Nubians viewed their ensuing conflict with Egypt as a 'Holy War' and were intent on restoring traditional Egyptian values, culture and religion to the Two Lands, particularly the worship of the god Amun.

Fact 7 on 25th Dynasty:

To the end of the 24th dynasty a Nubian (Kushite) King called Kashta had extended Nubia's influence over into Thebes when he compelled the ruling Theban royal family to adopt his own daughter Amenirdis, in order for her to become the "Wife of Amun". This symbolized the ritual marriage of women in the ruling dynasty with Amun-Ra, the "king of the gods" and linked Nubia with the Theban royal family. About 20 years later Kashta was succeeded by the Nubian King Piye (aka Piankhi).

Fact 8 on 25th Dynasty:

Piye ruled Nubia from the city of Napata, which was located deep in Nubia, in modern day Sudan. Piye took advantage of the disorganization of Egypt and its quarrelling rulers by undertaking a 'Holy War' and subsequently expanding Nubia's power beyond Thebes into Lower Egypt.

Fact 9 on 25th Dynasty:

The 'Holy War' of Piye started at Thebes the cult center of the god Amun, where his troops sprinkled their bodies with water from the temple at Karnak and made sacrifices to the god. King Piye identified Amun-Ra as his own personal deity.

Fact 10 on 25th Dynasty:

A confederation of Egyptian city states including Tanis, Leontopolis and Sais, led by a strong leader called Tefnakht, met the Nubian army led by Piye. Tefnakht besieged the city of Herakleopolis and the Nubian allies in the city appealed to Piye for help. Piye responded and achieved a great victory at Herakleopolis and then conquered the cities of Hermopolis and Memphis.

Fact 11 on 25th Dynasty:

The Egyptian confederacy were defeated but allowed to rule as 'vassal governors' and Piye returned to Nubia. The 'vassal governors' proceeded to rule without due observance to Nubia.

Fact 12 on 25th Dynasty:

King Piye died in Nubia and was buried in an Egyptian-style pyramid. His brother and successor, King Shabaka, headed another Nubian military force to Egypt to rectify the rebellious situation.

Fact 13 on 25th Dynasty:

Shabaka attacked Sais and defeated the successor of Tefnakht, his son, Pharaoh Bakenranef. The 24th dynasty of Egyptian kings ended with the terrible death of Bakenranef who suffered a heretics death by being burned alive at the stake.

Fact 14 on 25th Dynasty:

Shabaka founded the 25th dynasty and was the first Nubian king to reside in Egypt and chose Memphis as his first place of residence and then at Thebes. He was a prolific builder and initiated the building of new temples and his pyramid.

Fact 15 on 25th Dynasty:

Shabaka seized the opportunity of extending the empire by establishing settlements in the Syria-Palestine region, bordering the lands of the Assyrian empire.


Ancient Egyptian History - 25th Dynasty Fact Sheet - The Nubian Pharaohs

Definition of the 25th Dynasty - The Nubian Pharaohs
Definition: Definition: The 25th Dynasty of ancient Egypt consisted of a succession of Nubian rulers during the history time period known in ancient Egyptian history as the Third Intermediate Period of Post Empire Egypt that followed the stable period of the
New Kingdom.

Twenty-fifth Dynasty Dates: 712–657 B.C.E.

Ancient Egyptian Dynasties


History of the Nubian Pharaohs
Overview with interesting facts and information about the Nubian Pharaohs and Kings of the Third Intermediate Period in ancient Egyptian history.


The Ancient Egyptians


History of the 25th Dynasty and its Pharaohs
Overview with interesting facts and information about the civilization and history of the 25th Dynasty of Nubian Pharaohs and Kings of the Third Intermediate Period in ancient Egyptian history.

Ancient Egyptian History - 25th Dynasty Fact Sheet - The Nubian Pharaohs

Fact 16 on 25th Dynasty:

Shabaka then established diplomatic relations with the Assyrian kings at Nineveh (modern northern Iraq) to prevent possible confrontations with the powerful Assyrians (see map below).

Fact 17 on 25th Dynasty:

The reign of Shabaka was significant because he consolidated the Nubian Kingdom's control over both Upper and Lower Egypt.

Fact 18 on 25th Dynasty:

Shabaka was succeeded by his nephew Shebitku, who was Piye's son. During the reign of Shebitku diplomatic relations with the Assyrians started to decline when the kings of Assyria encroached on Canaan lands (Israel or Palestine) that bordered Egypt.

Fact 19 on 25th Dynasty:

Shebitku adopted a more aggressive policy towards Assyria. Shebitku defended Jerusalem from Assyria at the Battle of Eltekh with the help Taharqa, his younger brother.

Fact 20 on 25th Dynasty:

Shebitku died and was succeeded by Taharqa, another son of Piye. Taharqa is credited with being the saviour of Jerusalem. The Battle of Eltekh heralded a period of peace and prosperity with good harvests and expanded trade. Taharqa initiated extensive building projects in Egypt.

Fact 21 on 25th Dynasty:

The short period of peace was shattered when Assyria invaded Egypt. The Assyrian King Essarhaddon attacked Memphis. Shebitku lost many of his family and possessions to the Assyrian king. King Essarhaddon captured his queen and one of Taharqa’s sons, numerous courtiers and took them back to Nineveh as slaves. King Essarhaddon left a garrison based at Memphis and reorganized the political structure in the north, establishing Necho, the Nomarch of Sais, as an Assyrian-backed king at Sais (Necho I therefore established the 26th Dynasty).

Fact 22 on 25th Dynasty:

The devastated Taharqa laid siege to the Assyrian garrison at Memphis and massacred all of the Assyrian inhabitants.

Fact 23 on 25th Dynasty:

Pharaoh Taharqa initiated numerous revolts in Lower Egypt against the Assyrian King Necho I.   The Assyrians launched another military invasion of Egypt in retaliation. King Esarhaddon died en route to Egypt, and his son and heir King Ashurbanipal to invaded Egypt. King Ashurbanipal defeated Taharqa, who fled to Thebes in Upper Egypt and died in Nubia.

Fact 24 on 25th Dynasty:

Upon the death of Taharqa he was succeeded by Tantamani, a son of Shabaka.

Fact 25 on 25th Dynasty:

Tantamani reoccupied all of Egypt including Memphis. During his campaign the Assyrian backed king Necho I was killed.

Fact 26 on 25th Dynasty:

The Assyrians returned to Egypt in force, defeated the army of Tantamani and sacked Thebes.

Fact 27 on 25th Dynasty:

The Assyrian re-conquest of Egypt effectively ended Nubian control over Egypt and Tantamani returned to his kingdom of Nubia (Kush).

Fact 28 on 25th Dynasty:

The Nubians had, however fulfilled the goals of their 'Holy War' and during their rule had  restored traditional Egyptian values, culture, religion, art and architecture.

Fact 29 on 25th Dynasty:

King Psamtik I (aka Psammetichus), the son of Necho I, took control of Thebes and effectively unified all of Egypt. Psamtik I resumed the rule of the 26th dynasty of Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian History - 25th Dynasty Fact Sheet - The Nubian Pharaohs

25th Dynasty History
Discover fast, interesting fun facts about 25th Dynasty for kids with some amazing, cool and quick information about ancient Egypt and Egyptians. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages! Find fascinating fun facts about the history and kings of this dynasty for kids and the history, culture and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Egypt. Interesting, fun facts about 25th Dynasty for research, schools, students and kids of all ages.


25th Dynasty

Facts and Information about the Kings, civilization and history

History, events and 1st family of Kings

The people, dates, places, culture and civilization of ancient Egypt

Facts, dates and information about Ancient Egypt & the Egyptians

Egyptian history for kids and schools

Ancient Egyptian history for kids, schools, homework and research

Civilization, History and Kings


25th Dynasty Chronology - Succession and History of the Nubian Kings
The following 25th Dynasty Chronology details the names of the Kings and Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty and the dates of the years during which they reigned, together with a map of ancient Egypt. The line of Nubian succession followed the Kushite tradition of succession from brother to brother, to son of the first brother.

Chronology of the Nubian Kings



Dates of Reign

King Kashta 24th Dynasty

King Piye24th Dynasty

25th Dynasty in Egypt

King Shabaka712–698 BC

King Shebitku698–690 BC

King Taharqa690–664 BC

King Tantamani (Tanutamun)664–657 BC
Chronology of the Kings

Map of the Nubian (Kushite) Empire

Map of the Nubian (Kushite) Empire

Map of Ancient Egypt - Sais

Map of Ancient Egypt


Map of ancient Assyria

25th Dynasty
Learning about the ancient Egyptians and 25th Dynasty inspires everyone to visit historical sites and undertake Egypt Travel and Tours to experience the wonders of this magical land at first hand. Many people choose to experience a tour of Egypt on a Nile Cruise stopping at the famous destinations and sites of Egypt such as the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx. The information and facts about 25th Dynasty will provide you with a great insight into Egypt and the legacy of the ancient Egyptians.

Ancient Egyptian History


25th Dynasty - Ancient Egyptians - Pictures - Eygptians - Ancient Egypt - Ancient Egyptians - Kids - Children - History and Civilization - Research - Schools - Homework - Eygptians - Egyption - Egypt - History - Ancient - Pictures - Images - Kids - Children - Kids - Facts - Eygptians - Interesting - Information - Kids - Children - Kids - Research - Ancient Egypt - Egyptology - Old Egypt - Egyptology - Egypten - Egyption - Egipt - History and Civilization - Travel - Tours - Nile Cruise - Holiday - Vacation - History and Civilization - Eygpt - Written By Linda Alchin