Hatshepsut Funeral Temple Gallery

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Hatshepsut Funeral Temple

Hatshepsut Funeral Temple

Hatshepsut (1508–1458 BC) was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Ancient Egypt, she was one of the few female pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. This picture depicts the entrance ramp leading up to the second level of Hatshepsut’s funerary Temple. Five statues of Hatshepsut can be seen against some of the pillars, she is shown with a false beard as the beard was one of the visible signs of a pharaoh.

Ancient Egyptian Picture Gallery Index

Colossi of Hatshepsut

Colossi of Hatshepsut

A close up of a statue of Hatshepsut. The features are distinctly female and the statue has a false beard which would normally be an attribute of male royals but was deemed at the time to be always necessary for a colossi of a pharaoh regardless of sex!

Ancient Egyptian Picture Gallery Index


Lower Level of Hatshepsut's Funeral Temple

Lower Level of Hatshepsut's Funeral Temple

A view of the right side of the lower level of Hatshepsut’s funerary temple. It is of note that the temple's design is very different from the other Ancient Egyptian temples, it has a very rectangular design even down to the square pillars which traditionally would have been round.

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