Queen Tiye

The History of Egypt for Kids - Queen Tiye

The Civilization, Culture & History of Ancient Egypt and facts about Tiye and the 'Harem Conspiracy'

Ancient Egyptians - Tiye
A comprehensive guide and fact sheet about Queen Tiye. Discover fascinating facts and information about ancient Egypt and Queen Tiye and the famous "Harem Conspiracy".

Interesting facts & information about this ruthless Egyptian Queen

The dynasty and period in history when she was queen

Major events in her life - the Harem Conspiracy of Queen Tiye

Fact based biography of Queen Tiye and Ramses III

The life and times of this ancient Egyptian queen

The famous people in the life of Queen Tiye

Her son Pentaweret

An overview of Tiye, an ambitious and ruthless queen of Egypt

Ancient Egyptians - Queen Tiye
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The Queens of Ancient Egypt

Overview of the Life of Queen Tiye (Consort of Ramses III - The Harem Plot)
Just as Queen Tiy, the beautiful Chief Queen of Pharaoh Amenhotep III had a good reputation another queen with a similar name achieved the opposite. Queen Tiye was a consort of Ramses III a pharaoh of the 20th dynasty of the
New Kingdom. In 1155  Ramses III was enjoying an evening in the royal harem when an attempt on his life was made. Queen Tiye had plotted against her husband with fellow courtier conspirators in order to secure the throne of Egypt for her son, Pentaweret, rather than the rightful heir. In order to achieve her goal Pharaoh Ramses III had to be eliminated. Black magic was believed to have been used in order to make the pharaoh vulnerable, send secret messages and to help the assassin. The Judicial Papyrus of Turin and ancient Egyptian trial documents states that members of the harem of Ramses III made an attempt on his life as part of a palace coup. Modern CT investigations have revealed a serious wound in the throat of the mummy of Ramses III, directly under the larynx, probably caused by a sharp blade which could have resulted immediate death. The report concluded that Ramses III "was murdered during the harem conspiracy by cutting his throat." Three separate trials were started and 38 people were sentenced to death. Some were executed by burning a terrible death that prevented criminals from burial rituals and entering the afterlife. High ranking conspirators such as Pentawere and Queen Tiye had the option of suicide by poison. The "harem conspiracy" involving Queen Tiye against Ramses III remains one of the most scandalous tales of the queens of ancient Egypt. For additional facts about the royal women refer to Ancient Egyptian Queens.

Learn about this ruthless Egyptian queen the fast and easy way via the Tiye Fact sheet.

Ancient Egyptian Queen - Tiye Fact Sheet

Fact 1 on Tiye: Queen Tiye was one of the lesser wives of Pharaoh Ramses III and is believed to have been a commoner. This being the case, she would have held the title of "King's wife of non-royal birth"

Fact 2 on Tiye: She gave birth to a son called Pentaweret by Ramses III.

Fact 3 on Tiye: The kings of Egypt including Pharaoh Ramses III practised Polygamy, meaning having more than one wife at the same time. Having multiple wives in the Royal Harem enabled the Pharaohsto establish their dynasty and ensure the line of succession.

Fact 4 on Tiye: Queen Isis Ta-Hemdjert held the title of the "Great Royal Wife" of Ramses III and the mother of the son who would become Ramses IV.  Queen Isis also the title of "God's Wife of Amun" which effectively gave this senior queen "Divine Queenship". As "God's Wife of Amun" Queen Isis also held the title of "Chieftainess of the Harem".

Fact 5 on Tiye: The concept of 'Divine Queenship' was intended to make the Queen's position within the harem as sacred and therefore unassailable.

Fact 6 on Tiye: Another consort of Ramses III was Queen Tyti and the mother of  a son who would become King Ramses VI. Her titles included "King's Daughter", "King's Sister" and "King's Wife".

Fact 7 on Tiye: The 'pecking order' of the wives was therefore very clear. The line of succession was also very clear. But Queen Tiye was highly ambitious and she was no doubt jealous of the higher status of the other wives.. She wanted her son, Pentaweret, to become pharaoh.

Fact 8 on Tiye: The only way this would be possible was for a powerful coup that could dispose of Ramses III and place Pentaweret on the throne as a Usurper.

Fact 9 on Tiye: In order to achieve a coup the ruthless queen would require the support of powerful courtiers.

Fact 10 on Tiye: The ranks of people Queen Tiye recruited included stewards, inspectors, women of the harem, a general, military commanders, priests and a magician or sorcerer.

Ancient Egyptian Queen - Tiye Fact Sheet

Facts about Tiye
Discover fast, interesting fun facts about Tiye for kids with some amazing, cool and quick information about ancient Egypt and Egyptians. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages! Find fascinating fun facts about Tiye for kids and the history, culture and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Egypt. Interesting, fun facts about Tiye for research, schools, students and kids of all ages. 

Learn about Tiye the fast and easy way via the Tiye Fact sheet.

Ancient Egyptian Queen - Tiye Fact Sheet

Fact 11 on Tiye: The 'core' of plotters would also have attempted to stir rebellion outside the court in order to uphold the queen and her son should they be successful. They would have certainly targeted men in the military. All of this was done in utmost secrecy and as news of the conspiracy did not reach the king or the royal family she must have had powerful and loyal supporters.

Fact 12 on Tiye: The assassin struck. Modern CT investigations have revealed a serious wound in the throat of the mummy of Pharaoh Ramses III, directly under the larynx, probably caused by a sharp blade which could have resulted immediate death.

Fact 13 on Tiye: Pharaoh Ramses III died as a result of the wounds inflicted by the assassin.

Fact 14 on Tiye: The Judicial Papyrus of Turin and trial documents state that members of the harem of Ramses III made an attempt on his life as part of a palace coup. It is now referred to as the 'Harem Conspiracy'.

Fact 15 on Tiye: The trials resulted in the corruption of court officials and judges, demonstrating the considerable influence of the queen, but eventually 38 people were sentenced to death.

Fact 16 on Tiye: Queen Tiye disappeared immediately after the guilty were condemned. She was probably executed. Pentaweret reportedly was allowed to commit suicide - others belive he was buried alive.

Ancient Egyptian Queen - Tiye Fact Sheet

Learning about the ancient Egyptians and Queen Tiye inspires everyone to visit historical sites and undertake Egypt Travel and Tours to experience the wonders of this magical land at first hand. Many people choose to experience a tour of Egypt on a Nile Cruise stopping at the famous destinations and sites of Egypt such as the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx. The information and facts about Tiye will provide you with a great insight into Egypt and the legacy of the ancient Egyptians.


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